HP Korea, a tech firm providing ITSM solution and consulting, said that it was talking with some 5 banks, 3 non-banking financial service firms, 5 manufacturing companies and 3 public organizations to provide ITSM training and information. "
Some large enterprises are either poised to select an ITSM solution vendor or already in consulting deals to diagnose processes, and this reflects that leading tech businesses increasingly turn to ITSM," said a manager at HP Korea. "We expect the market to be worth around 30 billion won this year."
Seeing growing business opportunities, system integration companies presently providing service to affiliates and solution vendors such as HP Korea, BMC Software and Epitomie are rushing to tap into deals. Samsung Group is now seeking to adopt ITSM systems for all of its business units. Last year, it built an ITSM system for the semiconductor business division of Samsung Electronics, and it now plans to expand adoption into Samsung Life Insurance and the information communication and digital appliance business units of Samsung Electronics later this month.
The large enterprise plans to adopt ITSM for affiliate companies by the first half of this year, aiming to create a synergy across business categories via Samsung SDS in the second half. It also plans to secure some 80 to 100 ITSM experts to provide support for the drive.
Telecommunications companies are also making fast moves. KTF is poised to name a solution vendor for setup 'Help Desk' after consulting with Samsung SDS in December last year. It hopes to complete the setup of ITSM in four months to have a system up and running by the second half of this year. KT has also decided to link the established central monitoring system with a new IT management process now under way. It is now in a consulting deal before selecting a solution vendor in around April.
In the financial services sector, Dongwon Securities has been seeking to improve IT quality for the last 3 years by building the framework and setting up cost management and change management systems. The company won CMM level 2 last year, and it now plans to roll out quality IT service by combining IT service management initiatives.
It has recently entered into a 10-month consulting deal with Cetiam of India, and began working to win CMM level 3. Other leading financial services firms such as Daewoo Securities, Kookmin Bank and Hana Bank are also gearing up to build ITSM in link with the established next-generation and Basel II systems. "
ITSM consulting will be focused on link between systems and processes and roll-out of quality IT services so as to meet demands in the home market," said Lee Byeong-ho, Vice CEO of Dongwon Securities.
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