ITGov 今天在北京宣布其与全球领先的IT服务管理类图书出版机构-荷兰的Van Haren Publishing(出版社建立战略合作关系,全面引进IT服务管理(ITSM)、IT治理(ITGov)系列图书。该系列图书将整合到由ITGov组织的IT治理智库系列丛书中,并由清华大学出版社出版发行。
《IT Governance, a pocket guide, based on Cobit》
《IT Service CMM, a pocket guide》
《MOF, a pocket guide》
《MSF, a pocket guide》
《BS 15000 a pocket guide》
《BS 7799 a Pocket guide》
《Six Sigma and IT management》
《Implementing Service and Support Management Processes》
、IT治理(ITGov)领域系列图书_IT治理研究中心.files/ITSMintroENGLISHcover120x174v2.gif) |
IT Service Management, an introduction based on ITIL 、IT治理(ITGov)领域系列图书_IT治理研究中心.files/pop.gif)
Category : Books; Author : J. van Bon (ed.); ISBN : 9077212280
Description :
English introduction into the field of IT Service Management, covering Service Support, Service Delivery, Security Management, ICT Infrastructure Management and the Application Management book of ITIL. Qualifies as the textbook for ITIL Foundation training and examination.
Read the enthusiastic 5 star reviews at
This is the first publication that was endorsed by the ITSMF International Publication Executive Sub-Committee.
Translations are available in several languages: Dutch, German, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese. Chinese, French and Portuguese are coming soon. For more information, please contact the publisher (
In recent years, IT Service Management has developed into a field in its own right. Organizations are now so dependent on the automation of large parts of their business processes that the quality of IT services and the synchronization of these services with the needs of the organization are now essential to their survival.
This introduction to IT Service Management, published by ITSMF, is based on the latest edition of the ITIL books and is intended to serve as:
- a thorough and convenient introduction to the field of IT Service Management and the books in the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
- a self-study guide that contains all the material needed to prepare for the Foundation Certificate examination in IT Service Management.
While this book may serve as a textbook, it is not a theoretical book. Instead, it contains a wealth of practical knowledge collected by the editorial board. This practical knowledge and the introduction to the field of IT service management make the book useful even for those not preparing for the examination.
Since no single publication can have the answers to all the questions that arise in a field so multifaceted as IT Service Management, the aim of the book is to raise key questions, to encourage discussions and the comparison of the best practices found in the book with the reader's own experience.
We expect that this book will fulfill a clear need, and it deserves not just to be read and studied, but also to be used wisely in practice.
、IT治理(ITGov)领域系列图书_IT治理研究中心.files/ITGOVERNANCEpocketENGLISHcover80x128.gif) |
IT Governance, an introduction based on CobiT 、IT治理(ITGov)领域系列图书_IT治理研究中心.files/pop.gif)
Category : Books; Author : Harry Boonen & Koen Brand; ISBN : 9077212191
Description : This pocket is a valuable asset for it managers who want to have an short introduction in the subject IT Governance/Cobit. The pocket guide is the first publication of the joint Governance project team of ISACA-NL chapter, ITSMF-NL chapter and EXIN.