OGC 2006年2月24日对外正式宣布来自全球IT服务管理领域的十名专家将对ITIL指南进行全面升级,ITIL3.0有望于今年秋天正式对外公布。
华立、ITGov 携手共创集团企业信息化健康之路
CobiT Foundation 认证专家荣誉榜
Ten top IT service management experts successfully bid to rewrite OGC's ITIL guidance books
Released on 24 February 2006
Ten world-class experts in IT service management have successfully bid to write five books which will provide the core of the new version of hugely popular ITIL guidance set for from OGC's publishing partner, The Stationery Office.
These are practitioner guidance books, covering the IT service management life cycle from strategy to continuous improvement, and will be published in the autumn.
The winning authors, who will work in pairs for this tranche of work, are:
- Michael Nieves (senior manager at Accenture, USA) and Majid Iqbal (project scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, USA) - to write on service strategies;
- Colin Rudd (director at Items, UK) and Vernon Lloyd (international client director at Fox IT, UK) - service design;
- Shirley Lacy (director at ConnectSphere, UK) and Ivor Macfarlane (director at Guillemot Rock, UK) - service introduction;
- David Cannon (IT service management practice principal at HP Education, USA) and David Wheeldon (director of service management at HP Education EMEA, UK) - service operation; and
- George Spalding and Gary Case, both executive consultants at Pink Elephant, Canada - continual service improvement.
The organisations they represent include service suppliers, training companies and academia in Britain, Canada and the USA, and the authors themselves were selected from a large number of bids worldwide, for their knowledge of the subject, their track record, professional standing within their own fields and their ability to write well.
OGC aims to refresh the best practice guidance every three to five years, to ensure it remains fit for purpose and reflects the needs of our users, especially in the British public sector. The new books will replace the existing ITIL core guidance, which was last refreshed between 2000 and 2004.
The ITIL refresh project began in autumn 2004, with a global consultation of the ITIL and IT service management community, including international workshops and an online survey.
The findings from the consultation have formed the mandate for the current refresh work. The call for authors went out just before Christmas.
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