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The Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is ISACA’s cornerstone certification. The CISA certification has been earned by dozens of thousands professionals since inception and is for the IS audit, control, assurance and/or security professionals who wish to set themselves apart from their peers. Since 1978, the CISA certification has been renowned as the globally recognized achievement for those who control, monitor and assess an organization’s information technology and business systems. Followings are the statistics of the CISA and its examination, as of April 2008:
- Number of certified CISA world-wide -- 47,145
- Number of certified CISA in Hong Kong -- 1,533
- Number of certified CISA in China -- 666
- Exam takers worldwide June 2007 CISA -- 12,348; December 2007 CISA -- 11,143;
- Exam takers CISA Hong Kong June 2007 -- 392, of which 187 passed (47.7%);
- Exam takers CISA June 2007 China -- 25, of which 6 passed (24%);
- Exam takers CISA Hong Kong December 2007 -- 314, of which 154 passed (49%);
- Exam takers CISA China December 2007 -- 37, of which 18 passed (48.6%).
- 信息系统运维预算定额参考标准研究[04-09]
- 第2章 跨文化管理理论和实践[01-14]
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- 第4章 跨文化沟通[01-14]
- 信息系统运维预算定额参考标…[04-09]
- 第2章 跨文化管理理论和实践[01-14]
- 16:什么是关键成功因素法(C…[06-09]
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- 信息系统运维预算定额参考标…[04-09]
- 第2章 跨文化管理理论和实践[01-14]
- 16:什么是关键成功因素法(C…[06-09]
- 24:eSCM-SP(服务提供商外…[06-10]
- 第4章 跨文化沟通[01-14]
- 17:企业IT核心能力六要素的…[06-17]
- 如何理解可用性管理中的可用…[06-01]
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